Best Email Marketing Services – All You Need To Know (2023)

For a business, choosing the type of marketing strategy is an extremely important decision. It allows businesses to either grow considerably or crumble away.

Marketing services provide countless advantages. Improved engagement, boosting sales, building reputation & relationships between business and customer, providing business insight, and so on. All these of which help a business flourish. 

There are several types of marketing services to choose from, some of which are more modern than others. A marketing service worth paying attention to is Email Marketing Services, which the internet gave birth to. Email marketing is getting even more popular in recent years – as opposed to popular misconception. It is an effective way to advertise a business.

Before going over the list of services you came for, here is everything you need to know about Email Marketing.

Email Marketing

What is Email Marketing?

Email Marketing, as the name suggests, is a type of marketing that uses the internet protocol service SMTP more popularly known as electronic mail or e-mail.

Everyone on the internet is distinguishable through some unique characteristics. Yes, you can identify someone through their IP address or MAC address. But that only helps find the user’s device, not the user.

If a person on the internet wants access to a service or downloads a certain application, credentials are needed. These credentials are always either a phone number or an email address

Why Should I Care About Email So Much?

There are more than 3.8 billion active email accounts. That does not account for the emails that people just set up and then don’t access but do use for various sign-up purposes. 

The purpose of telling you all about email is to emphasize how important it is. Everyone should have an email address in this day and age.

If you are using an Android phone powered by Google’s services or an iPhone, you will have an email address. These devices don’t let you boot up without any sort of email installed.

In simpler words, email is the foundation of the current world of the internet and technology

This brings us back to the main topic, Email Marketing:

Advantages of Email Marketing:

Here are a few pointers that will help you understand why Email Marketing can be so advantageous for your business:

Improved ROI

The DMA made a study that suggests that correct Email Marketing leads to 43 times the Return on Investment on average in the United States alone.

Targeted and personal

Through the use of market segmentation and other techniques, Email Marketing can be targeted to a specific market, and be as direct as needed.


People are more likely to respond to a message that is sent directly to their inbox, instead of being posted on a public billboard. Emails are private and are sent in confidence.

Email apps are preloaded

There is no Android skin or iOS version that does not ship without an email application of some sort. Because emails are preloaded, marketing through this platform is read by almost everyone as long as emails are not filtered.

A small guide to choosing an Email Marketing service:

Now that you know how important emails are, and how big of an advantage they can provide for a business – leading to 4300% better ROI, let us delve into the world of Email Marketing services and what factors should be looked into, before investing in one.

Here are some of the factors that you should look for:


The first thing you should look for is to figure out through real-world cases whether the Email Marketing service you are choosing provides engaging content or not. Engagement is an essential factor as better engagement directly translates to better sales and vice versa. 


Very closely linked to engagement, user interface, and user experience matter when making email users meant to be read. Some emails are meant to be minimal, providing content directly to the user without kicking the bucket around. Many others focus on using special images to provide attractive content to the user. 


Ideally, you want an Email Marketing service that handles most of the work while providing it with minimal information. ‘Automation’ should play a vital role when determining whether an email service is worth it for your business or not. 


The Email Marketing service should provide some sort of market segmentation. Or at least, it should point toward the right segmentation service provider. It should be able to break down contacts that you have inputted into various segments. This way you can send personalized emails in bulk. 

Best Email Marketing services you can pick from:

Sorry for taking so long to get to the point you came here for. It was important to get these points across. Below are the best Email Marketing services that you should at least know about:


Drip is a compelling enterprise-based Email Marketing platform aimed at all eCommerce websites, blogging websites, bloggers, and digital marketers.

Nothing is worth breaking a sweat for Drip as it provides a wide array of features to its customers. Some of which you will not find in any of the other platforms on this list.

Features of Drip

Let’s dive into some of Drip’s top features:

Personalization – By using intelligent automation, Drip makes customization simple as it also comes with segmentation tools.   

Free 14-Day Trial – Offers a free trial for 2 weeks without the use of a credit card. Businesses can figure out how to get set up with this service without wasting a dime.

Marketing Automation – Through its unique toolset, it is easy to send and respond to emails quickly. 

Integration – Offers seamless integration with various eCommerce websites. It even offers integration with WordPress – making it easy for almost any website to communicate with Drip for better sales directly.  

Forms – Easily add signup forms as well as other unique forms that can help find contact information from users dramatically increasing marketing of various types.

Visual Workflow Builder – Build a workflow that can automatically reply to customers, essentially increasing customer interaction.   

Split Testing Features – Such as the A/B features help dramatically send targeted emails for maximum benefit.

Support – Provides support for its customers through live chat and even offers webinars to improve businesses’ efficiency.

Complimentary Guides – Comes prepackaged with free guides and documentation to help businesses get set up and be ready to go without needing to spend extra money on hiring an expert.

Though Drip is a relatively expensive option on this list, it provides many features, especially for eCommerce platforms. If you are opening a business in this field, you might be interested in the $49 per month subscription. This also scales depending on how many services you want. 

Email Marketing - SMS


SendinBlue is another Email Marketing service that is quickly becoming one of the biggest marketing platforms in all of Europe. One rather unique thing about SendinBlue is that they offer not only Email Marketing services but also SMS marketing services.

SMS is also a prevalent platform because it has been around almost as long as mobile phones have been. Almost all smartphones in today’s era are equipped with a SIM card. This makes SendinBlue a powerful service for offering marketing on mobile platforms. 

Why SendinBlue?

Here are the advantages of using Sendinblue:


Comes with a clean interface as well as a drag-and-drop email editor that makes it easy for beginners to craft emails without requiring much expertise.

Beginner Friendly

A tool that is marketed at beginners but is powerful enough that even experts might not be able to get used to this service’s full potential.

Personalization Through Automation

Comes equipped with automation tools to help send transactions through emails and create workflows for following up on emails. In other words, it can help personalize a business through the use of automation.

Special AI Algorithm

Ensures that emails are always sent on time and figures out the best time to send an email, depending on the algorithm figures’ various factors.

Send Emails In Bulk

Comes with a separate SMTP bulk Email Marketing service that users can use to send automated emails in bulk without delay.

Real-Time Content-Based Email Creation

Provides content-based email creation through the use of advanced AI.

Free Service

You can pay to extend the services and make it look more personalized. The free service may not have a few of the features mentioned above.

User Interaction

Live chat and CRMs are available as features on this platform.

Integrates With Facebook Ads

Automatically integrates with Facebook ads to better ad management and get more efficient marketing for less money on all Facebook-owned platforms.

If you are a website owner but don’t know how to improve it, SendinBlue provides a landing page builder feature. Through this feature, you can easily create a powerful landing page that translates to better results.

SendinBlue has many other tools & features that you should go check out on their pricing plan. The cheapest plan starts from $25 a month, though if you want more features for more time, the price increases. 

Constant Contact:

Perhaps the largest and fastest-growing Email Marketing service in the world. Constant Contact is an extremely intuitive and user-friendly service that can do everything an ideal Email Marketing service should do. 

It has always been a reviewer’s favorite, and this service has been a benchmark to compare other services.

Why Constant Contact?

Here are some of the best features of Constant Contact:

Management and Automation Tools

Easily manage your email lists, contacts, email templates, and calendars through the use of special automation tools and other unique features.

Track Market Status

Easily track the status of your desired market and contact list to ensure that your contact list is always a single click away.

Powerful Segmentation Tool

Comes with a dedicated and powerful list segmentation tool that can help differentiate between users depending on various habits/characteristics.

Integration with Facebook Ads

Strong integration with Facebook ads helps enable advertisements on Facebook and Instagram, WhatsApp, and various other platforms owned by the Facebook organization.

Integration with eCommerce Platforms

Integrates with eCommerce platforms such as Shopify to enable easy marketing on websites that run on Shopify and similar platforms.

Exceptional Customer Support System

Perhaps the best customer support system out of all the options on this list. A wide library of special and helpful resources, as well as a strong community that is always willing to help, makes it a great experience.

Live Seminars

In-person live seminars in the United States to boost small business marketing. Also, they provide valuable information on how this service can be used to grow a business.

Contact Plus is a premium service that can provide powerful features. Email automation, drip campaigns, surveys & polls, coupons, online donations, and various tools help to maximize user interaction.

If you don’t think that these features are enough, there are at least a dozen other features that just could not fit in this guide.

It can take a few days or even weeks to properly set up an Email Marketing service. Constant Contact offers a 60-day free trial without a credit card. You can try out all their best features.

The pricing afterward starts as low as $20 a month, depending on how many features you want. 

Email List Segmentation


ConvertKit is a very to-the-point Email Marketing platform aimed at bloggers, authors, and creators who make content for people.

The main reason why ConvertKit made this list is because of its ability to offer content upgrades on your content and improve call-to-action.

What makes ConvertKit a good choice?

Listed below are the advantages of ConvertKit:

Ideal For Content Creators

This is aimed at content creators and, through the efficient use of its features, is the best service for them in this list.

Complete Market Segmentation

Provides complete and easy market segmentation, though it is a voluntary service.

Increased Conversion & ROI

Through the use of targeted Email Marketing helps efficiently increase conversion and ROI.

Support & Learning Materials – For customers, ConvertKit offers email-based support and helps increase the knowledge base with a library of good learning materials.

30-day Refund Policy -Has a 30-day refund policy where consumers can get a refund if they are not happy with the service.

ConvertKit comes with a free 14-day trial, and if you like their services, the prices start from $29 a month. 


AWeber is the oldest Email Marketing service provider on this list but is by no means a bad service. One of the best features of AWeber is that because it is an old email marketing service, its service can easily be extended to many other platforms like Facebook and WordPress. 

Features of AWeber that can be useful

Features Of AWeber that you should know about:

Multiple Forms of Support – Provides live chat, phone, and email support for businesses if they have any problems while using the service.

Affordable – This is the cheapest option on the list because it is aimed at both small and medium-sized businesses.

Dedicated User Base – Because it is an old service, it has a very dedicated user base that is always willing to help if needed.

Learn More Through Seminars – Even hosts live webinars at regular intervals to provide an interactive session where businesses can learn more about the world of Email Marketing.

Extensive Tutorials – Has a big library of how-to and tutorial platforms, essentially making it very easy to use the platform, even for beginners.

AWeber is cheap: provides a free platform for up to 500 subscribers but can be upgraded to a premium plan that starts from $19 a month. This can be dramatically reduced if you choose a quarterly or annual plan. 


You might have already heard of Mailchimp, mainly because it’s perhaps the most popular platform on this list. One of the best features of this Email Marketing service is that it’s a free service that can be used for an indefinite amount of time and provides many features that other services provide for a healthy premium.

How will Mailchimp fulfill your needs?

Here are some of the features you should know:

Integrates Easily With Multiple Platforms – Mailchimp effortlessly integrates with WordPress alongside Magento and Shopify too. Many other platforms are also included.

Beginner-Friendly Advanced Features – Provides advanced features catered to beginners, though they are nothing to write home about.

Advanced Segmentation & Multivariate Testing – These tools help test and figure out what features might be the most beneficial for a business in the long run.

Free Marketing Automation – Provides a basic level of marketing automation for free.

Support Exclusively Through Email – Provides email-only support for both free and paying customers, supporting privacy.

MailChimp’s free plan provides up to 12,000 emails and up to 2,000 subscribers. Anything more than this will need to be subscribed. The prices start at $10 a month for 500 subscribers. It increases by $10 for every 500 subscribers you have. 

Improve Email Deliverability


GetResponse may be the final Email Marketing solution on this list but is in no way bad. Because of its straightforward and easy-to-use platform, GetResponse provides many features aimed at small businesses. 

How GetResponse helps businesses

Here are some of the features that you should know about:

Smart Automation Tools

Helps create smart automated campaigns through the use of extensive marketing automation tools that have everything a business will need.

Drag & Drop Builder

A simple drag-and-drop builder is available to help users create campaigns.

Boost Profits With Email Campaigns

Effectively create email campaigns to boost profits through segment contacts and market segmentation.

Create Attractive Forms & Landing Pages

Ensure that the customer or user has a good image of the business. Create professional and alluring forms and landing pages with GetResponse.

Increase User Base

Provides A/B testing, unsubscribe tracking, and autoresponders to increase the user base.

Integrates With Third-Party Lead Generation Software

Examples include OptinMonster, SalesForce, Google Docs, ZenDesks, and so on.

All Forms Of Customer Support

Provides customer support through all three platforms: via phone, live chat, and even email.

Free Learning Materials

Businesses with any queries and need quick answers can even get learning materials for free.

GetResponse has a 30-day free trial that can help any business get set up with the service easily. The pricing starts at about $15 a month and increases with the number of features.

Your Own Email Marketing Service

Did you know you can build your own email marketing system? Check our service of building a complete system on this link.

How to improve your email delivery quality?

Before ending this article, we figured you would benefit from a bonus tip. It can help you discover how to improve not only your email delivery quality but also your business benefit. Even more, you get a better Return on Investment.

Here are some of the ways you can improve your email delivery quality: 

Send emails from an email address that you use professionally. The general rule of thumb is to use a special email with the syntax of “”It should not be a basic one, such as a Gmail/Hotmail/Rocketmail email address.

Use market segmentation and send emails to a certain group of people. Make your emails personalized and improve customer interaction. The email will be less likely to end up in the Spam folder if it is based on their interests.

Send bulk emails, so you don’t have to waste a lot of time loitering around. Combining bulk emails with segmentation helps dramatically improve open rate and click-through rates.

Integrate your Email Marketing service with your website to ensure you are getting the most out of these services.

Use free versions of the mentioned Email Marketing services. You can easily figure out what service works best for you without having to waste any potential resources.

Stay Consistent - email marketing

Final Thoughts:

Though an Email Marketing service is good in its own right, it cannot work without having a good strategy.

Check out our extensive SMTP server guides. They help you figure out how to make the most use of email marketing services. The most important thing is to be consistent with your work.

If you have any queries regarding any of these services, do let us know in the comment section. We will quickly let you know what we think you should know!

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